life in Lolly land

keeping it real, keeping it happy, keeping it honest, keeping it... Lolly

pregnancy due date

Friday, October 27, 2006

Morning Sickness

Thats right, morning (day) sickness has set in this week. Fun, Fun, Fun!

On Tuesday I started to feel nauseous, that subsided when I had a baked potato for lunch, but was back again at about 5pm. Wednesday and Thursday, the bouts of nausea came and went, but they were manageable. (Discovered that I cant eat peanut butter... yuk)
Today was the first time that I was actually sick. Woke up this morning feeling a tad on the wrong side of green but nothing serious. Had breakfats, went to gym, life as normal. After gym I had some fruit juice!!! Then it was all over. I started feeling really green and less that 30 mins later, I was sick! (gory details I know)
But I was only sick once and then have been slightly nauseous for the rest of the day.
So I am still feeling pretty blessed, thinking I am getting off lightly!

My tummy is bloated! I swear I look pregnant. An old friend says that its all in my head, maybe. But then why can Bryan see it? I think she was just being polite!
We have a wedding to go to in December, its going to be preggy clothes for me at the rate that my tummy is going. My mom reckons that I will normalise still and not have a HUGE tummy.

Our first scan is next Thursday! Woohoo!!! I am so excited. We will be just over 7 weeks, so we should be able to see and hopefully hear the heartbeat!!

1 exam left to go!!! so pleanty to celebrate!!!
God is Good!!!

Thursday, October 19, 2006

First Trimester

At nearly half way through my first trimester, I am feeling incerdibly bleesed. I have not been sick or nauseous and am feeling good.
Right now, I am only experiencing a few *not so wonderful* symptoms. (and yet they are wonderful because of what they represent!!)

1) My bbs have, in the last 24 hours, doubled in size. (or so it feels) They are getting very big. Only this afternoon did they start feeling a bit tender and uncomfortable. Now, one is more sore than the other.

2) I have picked up about 3 kgs in the last 5 weeks. I am not eating more than normal. I snack, but on fruit and veg, so am failing to understand the rapid weight gain. Could just be water retention...? But as someone who is not used to picking up weight and weight so quickly, I have not taken this well. I am trying... and Lord willing, this will teach me to relax about weight and my figure.

3) The evening bloat. When i wake up in the morning, I have a tiny little tummy. By the time i crawl into bed at night... I have a *not-so-little* tummy. Its amazing...
But secretly I love it. I am so looking forward to having a preggy tummy!!! :-)

As I mentioned, i am not unhappy about all this, its just different.
B reckons we are having twins. I would love that. Twins are so cute! Maybe we will have more than 2 in there...? Lord willing... its all up to Him.

Looking at the miracle of life and the development of a baby, One cant help but marvel at God's work. He is truly awesome! He has thought it all out. When you hear of all the things that can go wrong in a pregnancy , you wonder how it can go right. And, yet, at the end of the day, these perfectly healthy babies are born, you cant not acknowledge God's hand in it.

Isaiah 55 :8-9
For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, declares the LORD. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.

God Bless

Tuesday, October 17, 2006


Yes! we are pregnant. Its early days yet, a whole 5 weeks since my last period, so that makes baby 3 weeks old. Woohoo! We are very excited!
I have only been off the pill since the beginning of September. I have not had any symptoms yet. Apparently my bbs are bigger and i have a tiny tummy where I used to be flat, but other than that, nothing.
Guess right now I count myself very fortunate, :-)

I cramped really badly mid-cycle and my nipples were very sensitive for about 2 days. then just before I was due to menstruate, i started experiencing pain in my tummy. I left it for about 4 days, then decided to call my doctor. I explained the scenario and she said that she thought I was pregnant, so off for a blood test we go. (Now I was only 2 days)
That evening it came back positive!! HCG count at 86.
Went off to see my Doc the next day due to the pain. We were concerned about ectopic, or cystic ovary or twisted ovaries.
Doc did an ultrasound and all looked good. Uterus was expanding, placental development noted, no cysts, no excess fluid.
Diagnosis of pain: Heavy ovary dropping onto spinal nerves, referred pain in abdomen.
Lauren: is there anything I can take?
Doc: Welcome to pregnancy!!!

Friday was back off for another blood test, to make sure that HCG was doubling. Result at 48 hours: 240!! so far so good.

I think i am neurotic. Every twinge I feel i rush to check Google or one of the many books I have received, to see if the pain is normal.
My poor husband. I teel him about every twinge, every "ouch", every time I think my bbs grow or darken. ;-)

I hope that you will check back to see my ticker...
I intend to blog my pregnancy... hope its useful...

My Pregnancy Ticker

pregnancy calendar

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