life in Lolly land

keeping it real, keeping it happy, keeping it honest, keeping it... Lolly

pregnancy due date

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Life, J and everything in between

woohoo!! i love being pregnant!! its the hugest and most awesome blessing that God could ever bestow on a woman!

To have this baby growing inside of you for 9 months, to be able to feel this little baby kick, roll, wriggle, hiccup and jump is truly a blessing! everytime J moves , i start to grin like an idiot... i reckon that people sometimes think im mad...but now with my tummy finally showing, i think they know why im grinning!

i had a scare about 2 weeks ago! i had the most intense pain in my lower tummy and of course, being pregnant, i panicked! so i dont think that that helped the pain... (i think that i can take pain... after doing muay thai for a year and receiving my fair share of punches and kicks, i know what sore enought to make me cry!) well, this pain had me in tears for about 20 minutes before i called my gynae... she reccomended that i lie down for an hour and then call her i took her advice and lay down....

oops! about 5 minutes into my lying down, the pain spread into my back! the pain in my stomach was nothing compared to that! it was so sore, i couldnt breathe and had convinced myself that i was probably going to be paralysed for the rest of my life... yes a tad dramatic i know... but jeepers, the pain was hugely intense!! poor B just sat there with wide eyes and a hand on my back. shame, it was quite frightening for both of us... he is such a gem, he looked after me so well! God has blessed me so richly! i am married to the most fantastic man and now im carrying his child!! wow! God is great!!

i have realised over the last month just how amazing marriage is. To be able to be 1 with someone, and to know that come what may they will always be there. There's always someone cheering for you, supporting you, crying with you, laughing with you and best of all there's always someone you can share everything with! I love married life! I guess, that when you are married to someone who is as amazing as B, it does make it easier! But just being able to wake up with him in the morning is incredibly special! I have realised through pregnancy, just how much i love him and how special he is to me!

I have been reunited with my love for Jack Johnson music! I havent listened to Jack in ages, but about 10 days ago, Pick n Pay was playing Jack during my shopping, and now i cant get enough again! He is super talented and writes amazing music and lyrics... if you havent seen the music video he does with Ben Stiller i suggest you go to his site and check it out... its hilarious!!
ok so onto the juicy J bits! ;-)

Our last scan was at 24 weeks and 4 days... scans are always so exciting! getting to see those tiny little baba's in so much detail is awesome! so we go through all the preliminaries, weight (so far have only picked up 4 kgs), sugar, blood pressure etc. then its into the doc's office for a chat and the scan! if i havent said it already, Tania is amazing! we are so blessed to have her as our obstetrician! she has such a wonderful nature and is so lovely to work with, she puts your mind at ease and makes you feel so very special!!

well, it looks as though we are having a giant!! Tania was taking J's measurements and even she looked surprised!! J's tummy is already 22cm in circumference, and J's feet are almost 5cm long...which is the size of newborn baby's feet!!! b and i just giggled... then right at the end, she gave us J's weight.... tania's eyes went big and so did ours! J is already 1kg!!! the norm for this stage of pregnancy is between 600g and 700g...but our "little" one is already 1 kg!! which puts J at the same weight of a baba 3 weeks ahead of where J is!! so doc reckons that J is very healthy!! im still stunned...i never thought that J would be so big!! God is so good!! He is growing this baby beautifully!!

so here are some pics!!

J's "little" feet

J's big foot being measured

J sucking a thumb... look closely
J's gorgeous little face
My belly at 25 weeks, finally starting to look preggy!

I havent known how to include this in my blog, but feel that i must. just after my last post, my cousin was killed in an accident ( )
Julie really was a wonderful person and will be/is missed by all who knew her. Her sudden death made me realise how short life is, and how we dont have a day to waste...
she had given her life to the Lord, and im sure that she is rejoicing with Him in heaven. She is living her eternal life as a result of a choice she made to live here on earth for Him.
Eternal life is on offer for everyone!! all it takes is a decision to follow God and to accept His son as Saviour of your life.
if you havent made that decisionbut want to find out more... please contact me...


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